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Monday 9 May 2011

My Future

I was walking down the long streets ...
               With the rythm of my heart beats,
Alone I was without any aim,
               Never thought of searching a treasure of gem.

Where i was... where to go?...
               Always kept thinking but I never know.
Game I played and kept on playing...
              Had enjoyed once now I'm paying.

Saw people smiling around me... I got crazy...
             Knocked the doors ...,Found everyone buzy.
Paper I had and a pen to write..
             What to write was always out of my sight.

Kept telling myself,
            I 'm not lost...
Wen i found myself among the woods...
            It was hard to believe at any cost.
At last I was relieved wen,
             L(@@)kED at the sky it was a night,
The cresent moon smiled and the star said-
           "Don't worry my son Your FUTURE IS BRIGHT" :-) 

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